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If you decide you want to try a prong collar with your dog, make sure your purchase the Herm Sprenger brand (this is the exact one I have). I have never been more grateful for this training tool, I love my dog and have put a lot of work and money into training him. And if you follow my guidance with pupdates? If you think prong collars are cruel, think about it this way. In full transparency, we do use the prong collar for our dogs. Web1.England 1. As a Chewy affiliate I earn commissions for qualifying purchases. In my years of dog training (at this point, Ive been involved in training over 1300 dogs and won awards), Ive never found a reason for a prong collar that cannot be resolved with positive training. I spent a year night after night, hours in all weathers, trying thresholds etc to help our dog and while we saw improvement she was still had some reactivity issues. Hello, while I dont have a prong collar yet (getting one from work soon) I greatly appreciate your article. Could you post a video or picture of what you are recommending to do? We found out that her dog, while on a choke collar, started pulling when he saw another dog across the street, so much so that his paws came off the ground. Bam. Ive seen collar covers that disguise the prong. I think its a bad idea. We just have to apply it. Hi, I have a 90 lb intact lab that I adopted a week ago. Thank you Melanie for sharing your story! 4. Many countries, including Austria and Switzerland, have made it illegal to use prong collars for canines. As a super strong pitty, he can yank a full sized adult over in a half a second to randomly lunge at a person or dog or squirrel. Shes one of those rescues that really rescue you. If used correctly prongs are a great tool and can greatly improve your and the dogs quality of life, I have four bouvier dogs whom i love dearly, but using the regular belt type choker, got me dragged under the wheels of truck, which fortunately stopped at the last second, saving my life and the probably the dogs as well, since i walk all four at once, so all i can say, is your information and positive comments on the use of the prong collar seems to be my only and final choice. Familiarise yourself with canine body language, particularly stress signs. Where are prong collars banned? She is a quick learner with all the usual commands and is due to graduate her first round of puppy training classes this Sunday. hi,,, we got a herm sprenger collar yesterday, it was recommended by the owner of the daycare center. He would pull so hard that I wound up on the ground a time or two and injured just by walking him. And, while it's very clear that e-collars and prong collars are used because they cause psychological stress and pain, many people don't realize that choke collars also can cause a good deal of pain, suffering, and injury to dogs who wear them. They got lucky. However, if used in the wrong way, collars can lead to serious or even fatal injury." Is to figure out how to communicate with them. A few thoughts first, you need to not care what other people think. It seems like the use of collars is a readily accepted part of dog guardianship. The collar is not designed to hurt the dog, but get the dogs attention. You have to interpret the action, and tell your arm to move at a certain speed/pace/whatever else and deliver it quickly, or else your dog will not understand what youre correcting., If that window is that small and you make a mistake, would you prefer to be delivering confusing rewards, or confusing punishment?, No. With some dogs prong collars are a great tool! If you can figure that out? I trust my trainer completely but every single person in my life is telling me my specific dog does not need the prong collar. Thats not how the tool works and thats not the humane way to go about it. he wont make eye contact, has to be taken out of his kennel, has to be carried inside after be letting out to go to the bathroom, etc. We rescued our pit-lab mix as a puppy and underwent training with him for eight weeks, then again when he was a year old and even had the trainer come to our home to work on specific issues. But in some situations all that goes out the window. By the way, the vet also said to only use the Herm Sprenger brand. Fine, but I promise you (challenge me if you want! For small dogs you can get the 2.25 mm. Is It Time to Ban Shock Collars for Dogs In All Situations? Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. As in all different sorts of dog-human interactions, what's good for the human must be good for the dog. Would a prong collar work on a 20-30 lead on a trail? I dont care what breed you have, how strong they are, or how small you are. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Herm Sprenger HS Ultra Chrome Metal Prong Dog Training Collar 162.25mm New Nice at the best online prices at eBay! What are your thoughts? I was going to buy a front clip harness (for more control as she is either following her nose without listening to me or tries to run away from scary things) but after reading your article Im wondering if a prong collar would be better?. This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience, which means I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. You can purchases extra links if you have an extra large dog (just make sure to get the right mm size for the collar you have). However, it is good to note that the prong collar works by giving a leash pop or correction through the leash, a quick jerk on the leash results in a sudden constriction of the neck., Now, lots of trainers will tell you that this doesnt hurt the dog, that it merely tells them no in a language they understand., Whilst that may be true, its not something we have data for, and bearing in mind that a dogs neck is 3x more sensitive than ours, and they definitely restrict airflow for a short time, its arguable that this device goes against animal welfare rights and are subsequently banned in certain countries like Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Switzerland and the Canadian Province of Quebec., Of course this can be argued as human error, but sometimes its just easier to control the situation than remedy the fallout. Hi.i have asweet female bullmastiffnamed VODKAPlease guide me when n which sized prong coller fits my VODKA? And dont be a jerk and pull on it. I used positive reinforcement in training him to walk since he was 3 months old. Wish more people would stop and educate themselves to see the value in them! Just remember, the collar needs to be high up on the dogs neck, just below the ears. Otherwise, they wouldnt work. If the prong is desingned not to be uncomfortable or cause pain, how does it actually work? No collar will permanently fix a dogs bad behavior. Watch videos, learn how to use the collar correctly ( I wish YouTube had been around when I trained my first dog in 1995!) It is your responsibility to use the amount of training force necessary to eventually produce instant obedience in public. This is an awesome example of how great of a tool the prong collar can be under the right training. I knew that I had to learn how to control him if I wanted to be able to walk him without it being a dangerous task. Weve even had comments from people about how well behaved our dog is. 1 Beaverdam Rd, NC 28804 US (828) 253-3393 Alternatives to Choke Chains, Prong Collars, and Other Aversive Methods Aversive methods such as choke chains, pinch collars, and shock collars can not only lead to painful injuries, they are less effective than more positive training methods. Mary saw her guardian, who looked upset, pick her up and take her to the car after a solid ten minutes of yelling, "Down!" Just remember, the collar doesnt train the dog, its a tool to train your training will train your dog. I switched him to a prong (Herm Sprenger 2.25mm) and his behavior improved immediately. He didnt need to or want to. But for a stubborn dog, he may decide the pressure of the prong pulling on his next isnt enough to not go after the rabbit. This puppy's social behavior was a gift! Also, we wear a 2 wide flat collar on our Dobe with the prong so that the prong stays high on his neck where it belongs. Where are prong collars banned? ), she completely changed. ID tags should not be put on a prong collar, and your dog should not be left in one for long periods of time. But a dogs neck is a very sensitive area. Your responsibility is to ensure that your dog responds to essential demands. My personal stance? Hes sweet smart and strong. We put it on her and it was like she was a different dog I could take her anywhere . The Thunderleash is clipped on his back so it stays up high where he cant step on it but he does still pull a bit. Have watched several videos by Jeff Geller and purchased a Herm Sprenger prong collar. She also volunteers for a local dog rescue and Humane Society. We felt like failures having practiced with her every single day several times per day with no success. By the time I realized how bad it was I was so in love with her there was no way I was going to give up on her! He will begin to associate the prong collar with pain, which is something he is afraid of. WebThere are two recommended sizes of prong collars for dogs. Look into Ed Frawley with Leerburg-has many articles, videos, and you can ask his wife Cindy questions, she is a trainer too. I would also suggest finding a good behaviorist trainer in your area that can help you one on one. I just rescued a 5 month golden husky mix. The answer may seem quite obvious, yet every day we choose option A via aversive devices like electric, choke, and prong collars for our companion dogs when successful, force-free alternatives are readily available. I have a strong 100 pound GSD. Her classes are pure chaos, as nobody has any control with head halters, harnesses and flat collars. Hes my first dog and unfortunately socialization was very difficult and so he was highly reactive to dogs. It is not allowed to permanently keep a dog in a box; only two hours per day at the most. You can do it with patience and guidance.. The prong collar allows us to share our life with our dog and not just have a dog at home waiting for us to get back from our adventures. They out weigh me, so its important to have them under control. All Rights Reserved. Technically yes. The dog grew quickly to an incredibly strong dog that could easily jump the fence in the backyard. It is made up of a metal She is slowly getting used to our house and noises but has a very difficult time with walks (shes afraid of everything car, people, loud sounds). Your timid poodle may never need one. I know Id be doing it for everyones safety, including theirs, and not as a way to punish my dog. Many civilized countries have outlawed prong collars, recognizing the harm they can do! Do you want to know why he was riding the bus with me to work? Came to me weighing 43lbs, greatly malnourished (the rescue had fixed all the medical issues and had to adopt him out, so not complaining) since then, he is well nourished at 68 lbs.still pulls like a fiend sometimes. . It is up to you to do your research and make your own opinion. Pronged Collars Should be Banned Because They are Harmful to Dogs-Fiction! He was getting worse and worse out of control. I still use it, especially on walks and it helps her not pull too hard and injure her neck. As soon as the collar goes on I have total control over him. But we all need to know the truth about prong collars before passing judgment. Hannah, Thank you so much for your message. Are you confident the prong collar is fitted properly? The prong collar (similar to a choke chain or slip lead) works on constriction. Theres rarely a time where a prong is genuinely needed in a good relationship with your dog. Its all a matter of dog and what the owner is comfortable with! Hi Dawn, so sorry your pup pulled you over! What a great story Donna, thank you for sharing. I do agree positive reinforcement is key in fear based cases. I have a 150lbs St Bernard mix, I cant walk her she is stronger then me. This sort of state is not a state where learning can occur, its a state where all their options have been removed., The analogy used by a lot of people is imagine your worst fear, and then someone sitting there and forcing you to face it., Prong collars are not suitable for anything fear-based, which is where reactivity falls., Regardless of my training preferences. The use of any type of restraint, whether a collar that goes around a dog's neck or a front-clip harness, is elective. He will be an 80 pound dog. So glad you found a trainer to guide you! I admit I have not tried them all. The prong is not meant to yank, pull or choke a dog. Not once. started a campaign to ban shock, choke, and prong collars in the city, are known to inflict stress, discomfort, and pain, and potentially have long-term negative effects on dogs. The prong collar is NOT cruel, it saves dogs lives. My guess he was abused while wearing one or was constantly on one. Will a prong collar help? WebWe're based in South Australia where purchasing a prong collar from outside Australia is illegal, however, it is not banned in some States, one of them being South Australia. Its all about communicating with the dog, not about pain at all. The reason is that your dog might get spooked by something (fire works, thunder or whatever) and decide to make a dash for it. Karen. And if your trainer tells you that this is not the case, then theyre not a trainer you should be working with. We sometimes will put a bandana on our dogs to cover the prong collar. ) Dont forget to train them off of it. Debi, this is a wonderful article, thank you. It is very helpful. Then, watching YouTube videos last night, I came across Solid K9 Training (Jeff, above in this blog) and discovered that I was using the prong collar ALL WRONG even on my first dog. But after reading your points and the testimonies of other people here, I feel a little more confident that I can find a safe and humane way of using this tool when doing further training. I highly recommend following a couple of trainers online: https://www.facebook.com/MajorsAcademyDogTraining/ and https://www.facebook.com/SolidK9TrainingRI/ both of these trainers offer a lot of free advice. We rescued a super sweet lab mix from down south a few months ago. Thousands of trainers and Id wager millions of owners train their dogseasy dogs and challenging dogsand manage their behavior without any of this stuff. Good luck! I am certainly not here to push, either way, just to give the facts and my opinion on what a great training tool it can be when used properly. I recently entered the world of dog ownership by adopting a rescue. Most of us have seen dogs straining so hard against their collar in their excitement to move forward that they can hardly breathe and sound a bit like Darth Vader. Some dog breeds tend to be wanderers, and an intact dog or girls in heat can be problem too. Also, as the author mention, there are huge differences in the quality of a Pet Smart pinch collar and a Herm Sprenger (the recommended brand). Teacup puppies are incredibly trendy, because of their small size and cuteness. Good luck, I wish you all the best. Lab. It has been 4 years since I had my last beloved dog. I definitely want to use it. We finished the class and we both learned so much from it. You can get the standard size: https://amzn.to/2Hwnbzp. The prong collar is the opposite of cruel in the right hands. Instantly what a difference, no pulling, no zig zag walking. Oftentimes, breed is an excuse Oh, hes a German Shepherd, he needs a prong or hell be out of control well no thats not really true is it? Cheers! Since the incident he has been mouthing our son a lot more. I have seen all of those injuries in dogs, and I experimented with many of those tools before I tried the prong. A trainer can help with that. Its important to understand your pup is still adjusting and pushing the limits. Small prong collars are for dogs with necks up to 12 inches, and medium prong collars are for dogs with necks 12-16 inches. He started really being obedient when the trainer put a prong collar on him and she showed him whos boss with a firm tug or two. Humanely training your dog as with children should be a personal choice not one dictated by supposed do gooders and government policies Thanks for your free download I look forward to reading it and sharing! Though they are legal in the U.S. Its practitioner-correlated.". Quebec will institute a ban on choke, The Effects of Using Aversive Training Methods in Dogs: A Review. Journal of Veterinary Behavior 19 (2017): 5060. I exercised and walked my new buddy for 3 weeks using no prong collar. My boy is a saint bernard mix too. But yesterday I had to take my dog, an 8 year old 84lb rottweiler, to the vet. It was suggested that we use the prong collar on our 3 month old Bichon/Shih Tzu who just started training. We put on the collar and took my dog out into the waiting room, where there was actually another dog waiting. My energy is much more calm and I sense his is as well. Virginia transformed her into an absolutely normal dog. A quick, gentle tug is all thats needed. Were hoping its a temporary training tool only, but Im still happy to have found this. Animal welfare law changes to include prong collar ban 9 May 2022 Tony Keim The banning of prong collars used to restrain dogs is one of suite of proposed changes in the Queensland Governments first review of Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT discuss the increase in global rules and regulations aiming to improve animal welfare. This harness is one of few that is genuinely military spec and is still useful for regular pet users. I have a reactive dog when out, other dogs, cars and people but an absolute gent when in the home. That collar changed the way Shadow behaved in an instant. No more shoulder injuries for me. I have a 2 yr old Havanese and have had him since he was 8 weeks old. Although it is of course immediately effective, I fear hell go back to jumping, etc when not wearing it. Used well, it gives dogs access to their world and can be a critically important freedom enhancer. Shelby, I love your story! Sarah, I totally understand your hesitation. The prong is the best, the dogs pull much less, even with other dogs, cats and squirrels to distract them. Thank you for this article devilifying prong collars. The information is readily available, but it is a little more buried than I would like to see. Dogs become reactive (largely) through fear or excitement. The other thing to remember is the way it works. With the prong collar, weve been able to quickly train him not to pull on our walks. The proper positioning for a prong collar is right at the top of the neck, where the skull meets the neck muscle as this is the most vulnerable part of your dog, where the prong collar will yield maximum effect for training and consequently the desired result. I recommend prong collars, but only after consulting a certified dog training professional. I used it as you explained back in 1999, maybe for 3 months and periodically as needed over a years time. Did not work at all. Am thinking of getting a prong collar for my dog because he recently lunged at a cat he saw and pulled me over. Yours and the fur baby. I will answer my own question for youIt works by causing pain and uncomfortableness for the dog, causing the dog to avoid the pain . Good luck with your future training of your puppy! Dogs that I thought were a lost cause QUICKLY cease pulling and are walkable again! Decided to use the old prong collar on a walk to the post office with Bow today ???? Weve tried all our trainers suggestions like carrying a stick shaped treat and letting her have a nibble when shes at our knee, spatula with cheese/peanut butter, hot dogs, treat sack at our hip and feeding while walking NOTHING worked. Her eyes arent red after a walk and she doesnt pant constantly walking now. She would get all excited to see me get it out and wait for me to put it on because it either meant going fir a walk or training which meant lots of one on one time with lots of praise and lovins. Like others have mentioned, Im sure the dog is not afraid of this collar if theyre running to you to put it on for a walk. I bought a Herm Spengler for my 3 year old 100lb. We have read numerous articles and watched dog training videos. However, some suppliers seem to be able to get them and sell them. After reading the article on prong collars, went and bought one. I do actually have a prong collar, the trainers at his class suggested it. In other words, the use of violence in dog training is not correlated with particular dogs or with particular behavior problems. Thank You!!! So yes, Prong Collars can have the ability to be very harmful, very easily. These collars can save a dogs life and make him the gentle fur baby the owner wants. I have used prong collars before with fantastic success. She is 38 lb. Choke collars, prong collars or flat collars are harmful training tools, Choose a Dog Trainer as Carefully as You Would a Surgeon, Dog Training's Dirty Little Secret: Anyone Can Legally Do It, what's good for the human must be good for the dog. According to a review article published by Gal Ziv, are better for both human and dog is overwhelming. Not ideal for small breeds. He was also extremely leash reactive and aggressive towards other dogs in general. We rescued a Brittany Mix not long ago and walking with her was miserable! Without leashes, dogs wouldnt be able to go many places with us. Three jurisdictions in Australia have now banned the use of these collars: Victoria, Tasmania, and Queensland, under their Animal Care and Protection Act 2001. I love the prong collar! And there are two much better alternatives, halters and walk harnesses https://positively.com/dog-training/methods-equipment/training-equipment/choke-and-prong-collars/. She seems not herself when she has it on in the house during the day do not want her sweet personality to go away with using this collar. Do the ends really justify the means? These collars are usually made of metal and are NEVER allowed on authorities therapy pet dog sees. I would not use a prong collar for him. Quebec will institute a ban on choke, prong, and shock collars in 2020. My only complaint is that it is a bit of a bitch to put on and take off. And Herm Sprenger agrees. The guardian did not want to lose control of her dog, so she pulled him back toward her and continued to do so until the dog across the street was out of sight. Although I am thinking I need to do a research project with every type of collar available on the market today! Shock collars have been banned in many states of Australia after considering the damaging effects of these e collars on dogs. Is 3mm what I should use with a lab? About 30% of the time he will heel/sit/stay with the choke collar but there is no real control without constant pulling on him. If it werent for this collar we would never be able to do that. We are taking things really slow, but Im concerned if we take them too slow, we will actually be reinforcing behaviors learned from the abuse, i.e. Lets join this trend!. If you do try the prong collar, make sure its high up on his neck, just below his ears. I have yet to see one that stops a dog from pulling. At first, yes once you take the collar off, he will pull. The state government will introduce legislation into parliament to end the use of pronged dog collars, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced on Sunday. I use to think they were cruel but now I believe they are an invaluable training tool especially for adult rescue dogs with no previous leash training. Oh! And I could say there is enough research that shows a flat collar and head halters cause more damage than a prong collar. Keep up the good work and dont let the ignorant and uneducated bring you down! Immediately the two dogs got ready to lunge at one another. You dont need a prong collar. No. The collars are brutal due to the fact that they typically lack a quick release mechanism. You wont ever get to this stage, because youll be practising a loose leash long before theyre large and unruly! But since I invested so much money in this trainer I figured I'd give it a try. Thanks for your advice and recommend!! Choke collars and collars with sharp prongs, which are designed to make pulling painful, can also do serious damage if not used with extreme caution and under carefully controlled conditions. Should the collar only be used while walking? Nothing worked until I found this site and started using a prong collar. Webtypical flat collar greatly increasing the possibility of damage or injury to the dog. Im certain it must at least in part be me. Unfortunately, Kodi is one of those dogs that take you for a walk and not the other way around.. so i am wanting to try a prong collar, he gets so over stimulated when we go for a walk its almost unbearable.. pulling, barking, hyper over the top behaviour. Victoria, you and your pup are a perfect example on how the prong collar is such a life-saver! WebE-Collars & prong collars are banned in several countries in Europe. I have a ten month old foxhound that I walk daily in the forest for two miles in rugged terrain. Our previous 2 dogs were Chocolates so we knew what to expect in regards to energy levels and exercise needs. I know you said you have to be careful with how hard they pull with the prong collar Im just worried my dog pulls too hard and may injure himself because my dad even has a hard time walking him. They say it should redirect them, and that worked for a little while, but not well enough, apparently, since she figure out that she could push through it anyway. I see you have recommended a few times to use a carabiner and I dont know what you mean. (see Training Methods and Devices for more details) Walking on a leash is not a natural behavior for a dog, and indeed it goes against their natural instincts to run and explore. Thank you for the article it helped ease my mind in using this for our pups. Keep up to date with the Rebarkable Newsletter! Hell jump at people and dogs who walk by because he wants to visit, he thinks everyone is his friend. I was on the verge of having to give him up when I was introduced to the Herm Springer. You need to correct the behavior at that point. He did bite me once but that was clearly situational and hasnt happened again. The use of any electrical devices for disciplinary purposes (electrical fence, anti-bark, collars with remote control) is not allowed. As subjects go, Prong collars are pretty divisive in the dog world.. Best thing ever and very very safe when used correctly! The dog will be much happier in fact. We took different routes, different scenery with woods walks and hikes vs. in the neighborhood nothing helped. I want to make sure that they wont get hurt when using the collars that I will buy for them. Weve been using a Ray Allen Brand, the prongs go only partially around his neck/the collar. Hi, I don't want to hijack Debi's post but would like to comment. We put it on in the house about half an hour before taking her for a walk to make sure she was comfortable with it on. As soon as the prong collar is on her, she is in full listen mode. I was horrified the first time I saw these collars for sale and thought they were really cruel! I think most people are afraid to publicly admit the prong collar is a great training tool. Whilst I know that the potential for misuse is not a reason to call something bad, its mainly a method of training that I see no reason for.. This also could be possible. It minimizes the drag strain of the harness and is an ideal alternative to prong collars. You will hear strong opinions about prong collars on both sides, for and against. Can you tell me why theyre being misused? Dog lovers are fighting to extend this ban to prong and choke collars as well. And she did it using a prong collar. If hes really excited treats have no value, even hot dogs. We recently attended a three week intensive training program for our 4 year old, 50 lb lab mix. Living With a Dog Is Good, If It's Good for You and the Dog. Yes theyre bad, because they have far too large an ability to be misused. Training is a life long learning experience, for dogs and humans! She brought to class a prong collar and instructed me how to fit it and how to use it. And yes I do earn a small commission when someone purchases from one of the links on this page, this commission is tiny and doesnt cost you anything. Consequently, its my advice to not use corrections because theyre too easy to miss.