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They will buy luxurious presents for their partner. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. Life Changing with Your Jupiter or Saturn Return. Be more open with yourself. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. Saturn Trine Neptune Synastry. They are of average height, with the females often shorter than 5"8/1,73m. Their partner has to be exciting and interested only in them. Dedicated; ethical; intellectual; kind-hearted and purposeful; highlymoral; capable; striving for excellence; noblesse oblige; choosy; critical;temperamental; restrained charm; articulate; discriminating taste; the artisan. Having Gemini Rising, you tend to have small sharp features, twinkling eyes that are filled with humor, a friendly smile, and graceful arms and hands that you use to great effect. They can be very beautiful with delicate features to their face. Whilst a little bit too direct, they are most of the time right with their conclusions and suppositions. A Sagittarian can also bring a lot of excitement to this combination, were traveling the world will be on the itinerary. Combine the two and you get a nonstop soap opera with few station breaks. Because of this they may attract broken people and think they have the power to fix them. The Virgo Rising Mindset Virgo Risings work to preserve their relationships, health, and themselves, as well as those closest to them. The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You try your best to keep your emotions to a minimum in order to avoid getting hurt. They always need to play it safe when getting intimate with someone. Lovers with their Moon in Virgo want to improve and fix things. With Virgo sun and Gemini rising, you can give wisdom to other signs, such as a Pisces, and learn from them not to be so critical of others. Throw care and caution to the wind once in a while, and let passion and feeling have their way with you. But divorcing yourself from your emotions can only lead to dissatisfaction and anxiety. There is a basic coolness to the Gemini Rising personality. The beneficial force of the Sun is not found on other planets. Leo Soulmate: Whos Their Lifetime Partner? The ideals and principles he sets for his life are a constant, not much can happen to sway him from his opinions. They will prefer to fight with the pen and not with the sword. Leo and Virgo Ascendant in your horoscope The characteristic of this sign combination is the will to project an irreproachable self-image and to display humble and withdrawn manners. In that process where a person who has Sun located in the Gemini and the Moon in the Virgo sign, he is the creator of the change, in love with details and in a well-done job. In such cases, you take a special attitude, as you have a strong tendency to show . Your many wonderful qualities make you an example for others to follow, so there is really no need for you to proselytize. Afterward, they should spend some time with their pets and quickly answer any texts or emails sent to them while they are sleeping. You are well informed, witty, mentally quick. These people pour on the Gemini chatty-faced charm to get the attention they prefer to satiate their sunny Leo ego. You are generous, sociable, friendly, and kind. These individuals hold power to their word, so any promises she makes she will keep. When it comes to love, sex and dating, a Gemini Ascendant often has a difficult time deciding what he wants. With that strong Pisces influence, they also make marvelous veterinarians working with small domestic pets and wildlife in nature. This mindset can lead Leo Sun Virgo Moon to be a workaholic, especially because Leo is so passionate, and Virgo is the perfectionist. They need order and structure, just like any other area of life. Buying and giving luxurious gifts is their love language, but they will only do so if their partner can reciprocate the love. To you, clarity is a tribute that words pay to ideas. Just Astrology Nonsense Aries Sun, Leo Moon, Virgo Rising for anonymous. These Leos might even drive a school busand love every minute of it! But the Leo Sun Virgo Moon man is opinionated and has strong emotions. Exploring & Understanding Your Natal (Birth) Chart, The Astrology of Your Most Ideal Locations, Discover Your Moon Signs Unique Personality Type. The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. Aside from artistic careers, you can excel in business (you are a lot more down-to-earth than people realize), salesmanship and promotion. As a Virgo Rising individual, you tend to have a gentle, oval face, eyes that sweep around a room and take in everything, and a body that gives the impression of frailty but is actually very strong. They move around fast and like to observe and listen more than your average . The planet Mercury, which rules Virgo, is very prominent in your birth chart. . Rising signs dictate the beginning of the day, so as a Virgo Sun Gemini Ascendant, this person needs to do things in the morning that gets their mind working. Leo sun Virgo Moon individuals may not be the leadership type, but they are still vital to any projects they work on. Later in life Virgo Rising individuals frequently become property owners, often in a foreign country. Their partner must show them appreciation and pay them compliments to keep the romance alive. You deal with feelings and relationships exactly as you do with facts and figuresas things that can be analyzed. He is polite and charming, harnessing the positive traits of his Leo Sun, and he will use it to his advantage. As the Gemini Sun Virgo Moon combination is extremely intellectual, you pursue knowledge avidly and you project an aura of worldly vision. Try not to be so hard on yourself, or you will lapse into states of hypercriticism, agitation, and acute anxietyand you may project your frustrations onto friends and associates. Stand up for yourself and demand the recognition you have earned. You are well informed, witty, mentally quick. Most important, be a little less nave in your dealings with people--or you will be taken every time. Hes not tactful, but will learn this quality with age. Their home is a direct reflection of their inner world. Lunar Geminis are usually pleasant, witty, and charming people. They will go through times when the spotlight is too much, but to balance that out they will try and be the life of the party amongst those that are closest. You sense that there is an experience just over the horizon that will make you feel truly fulfilled, and you resent the strictures that you may think keep you from venturing out to find it. With a Virgo Sun Leo Moon, as nave in love as you are in other areas of your life, you are probably confused by rapidly changing sexual mores, and you can be easily hurt if you discover that your lover has not been faithful. Watch that pride and try to become more responsive to the ideas and contributions of others. Leos sometimes cling to bad relationships because their egos will not allow them to admit they may have made a mistake. In your professional life, you are forever punctual and exact in carrying your obligations and responsibilities. You sense of justice verges on self-righteousness and, if frustrated by the treatment you have received in life, you may become bitter, pedantic, and eventually tiresome to be around. When not given what you feel is your due, you can turn haughty, temperamental, and arrogant. They dont want things to look cluttered, so they will avoid overly decorating. You prefer giving rather than receiving, so make sure that you give to one who is fully appreciative and deserving. Leos are motivated and cant rest until they have gained the respect of everyone. Yes, it is difficult for Gemini rising to remain with one partner for long. Your Leo Sun defines your inner self which is marked by the sense of honour, courage, and loyalty towards a person, an ideal, as well as to yourself. Leo Rising individuals seem surrounded by luck in money, career, and friendship. You love to put on lavish displayswhether it is decorating your house with expensive and elegant things or dressing in attention-getting clothes or throwing a splendid dinner party. Maybe he will sometimes do it just to see the effects of his actions. Leo Rising individuals seem surrounded by luck in money, career, and friendship. Emotionally, its hard for you to show your feelings, though a great deal is always going on under the surface. Were you born on a Virgo Full Moon? A Virgo Sun Gemini Ascendant should drink a lot of water and steer clear of too much coffee, as it will affect their nerves too much and may cause them to be too high-strung and overactive. Gemini is the sign of duality and this is evident in the lives of Gemini Ascendants. If you cannot lead them, you will out produce them. Innocent to the political realities of life, you watch dumbfounded as others more cunning than yourself pass you by and win all the honors. A striking characteristic of Gemini Rising individuals is their ability to use words to say exactly what is meant. And they will do it by using their mind, not their emotions. People don't realize just how sensitive you really are, and it isn't easy to arouse your deepest feelings or stir the passion you so expertly conceal behind that aloof and . To less flamboyant types you may appear ostentatious, show-offy, and extravagant. Unlocking the intriguing possibilities behind your unique birth configuration can help you get even more in tune with yourself. You travel, change residences and occupations, and often marry more than once. Capricorns and Scorpios work; however, this kind of Virgo may find Capricorns too controlling and Scorpios too intense. Those not attuned to a powerful woman may be scared to cross her path. She will want others to see her the way she sees herself, so shell use her persuasion to wash their eyes. On one hand, we have Leo who is confident but match that with Virgo who is doubtful, and it can create a constant inner battle. I wanted to start a discussion about this because I haven't heard anyone talk about it in any great detail 21 55 55 comments Best Add a Comment You are happiest in the role of leader. Yes, you are open-minded and willing to listen to reason, but in the final analysis you prefer to go your own way because inside you always feel intuitively right. Its difficult to fully let go of those inhibitions, perhaps because of guilt about indulging too heartedly or allowing yourself too much pleasure. With Virgo Moon, there is no shortage of work ethic. Blessed with a natural sense of drama, you know how to heighten and brighten any experience. Pisces Black moon lilith: Sagittarius. Combine the two and you get a nonstop soap opera with few station breaks. And he expects others to have them too. He enjoys compliments and admiration from others. Others will appreciate your criticism if it is constructively presented, for your insights into human nature can be amazingly on target.