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[74], Brontispa longissima (coconut leaf beetle) feeds on young leaves, and damages both seedlings and mature coconut palms. Home Fruits What Is The Importance Of Coconut? Coconuts were introduced by Europeans to the Americas only during the colonial era in the Columbian exchange, but there is evidence of a possible pre-Columbian introduction of Pacific coconuts to Panama by Austronesian sailors. Do you know 80 million poor people depend directly on coconut for their livelihood in 90 countries? It can be used in liquid form as would other vegetable oils, or in solid form similar to butter or lard. The terminology is derived from the Tagalog language. Gasa suggested, for lack of paper, delivering by dugout canoe a message inscribed on a husked coconut shell, reading Nauru Isl commander / native knows posit / he can pilot / 11 alive need small boat / Kennedy.[159] This coconut was later kept on the president's desk, and is now in the John F. Kennedy Library. [10], True-to-type dwarf varieties of Pacific coconuts have been cultivated by the Austronesian peoples since ancient times. It prefers areas with abundant sunlight and regular rainfall (1,5002,500mm[5998in] annually), which makes colonizing shorelines of the tropics relatively straightforward. They control formation and circulation of fats in body. [21][22], Whole mature coconuts (11 to 13 months from flowering) sold for export, however, typically have the husk removed to reduce weight and volume for transport. This accompanies the palagip (prayer to the dead). Perera, Champa K. Bandaranayake and Hugh C. Harries. It is also used as a natural moisturizer, especially for winter. Coconut oil is also a main ingredient in Ayurvedic oils. Because the nuts can fall from a height of 30 yards, in Southern Asia and Australia, monkeys (e.g., Malaya macaques) are trained to harvest them. [48][49][50][51] The similarities of the local names in the Austronesian region is also cited as evidence that the plant originated in the region. [28] In west-central India, numerous fossils of Cocos-like fruits, leaves, and stems have been recovered from the Deccan Traps. For example, the Polynesian and Melanesian term niu; Tagalog and Chamorro term niyog; and the Malay word nyiur or nyior. The know-how of coconut cultivation and necessary soil fixation and irrigation may have found its way into Omani, Hadrami and Al-Mahra culture by people who returned from those overseas areas. [104], In Goa, the coconut tree has been reclassified by the government as a palm (rather than a tree), enabling farmers and developers to clear land with fewer restrictions and without needing permission from the forest department before cutting a coconut tree.[105][106]. : B.arenosella, B.atriloqua (feeds exclusively on C.nucifera), B.mathesoni (feeds exclusively on C.nucifera), and B. [73], The coconut palm is damaged by the larvae of many Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth) species which feed on it, including the African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta) and Batrachedra spp. [58], The extent of cultivation in the tropics is threatening a number of habitats, such as mangroves; an example of such damage to an ecoregion is in the Petenes mangroves of the Yucatn. Predominantly, the Philippines, Indonesia, India, . Coconut is a crop of small and marginal farmers since 98% of about five million coconut holdings in the country are less than two hectares. Climbers employed in coconut plantations often develop musculoskeletal disorders and risk severe injury or death from falling. [49][18][61], The niu kafa form is the wild ancestral type, with thick husks to protect the seed, an angular, highly ridged shape to promote buoyancy during ocean dispersal, and a pointed base that allowed fruits to dig into the sand, preventing them from being washed away during germination on a new island. In India, the woven coconut leaves are used to build wedding marquees, especially in the states of Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. Because of their soft textures, they are unsuitable for grating. A study in 2008 showed that the coconuts in the Americas are genetically closest related to coconuts in the Philippines, and not to any other nearby coconut populations (including Polynesia). It is also often stated that coconuts can travel 110 days, or 5,000km (3,000mi), by sea and still be able to germinate. [165], Researchers from the Melbourne Museum in Australia observed the octopus species Amphioctopus marginatus use tools, specifically coconut shells, for defense and shelter. Bangalore, Karnataka 560025, Monday to Friday 9:30 AM 5:30 PM Coconut oil and milk are ingredients in cooking, frying, soaps and cosmetics, and foods like margarine and popcorn. This pattern coincides with the known trade routes of Austronesian sailors. Demand grew by 8 percent annually during 1993 to 2004. Palm. Several countries' economies are based on the coconut palm. AGRI INFO - My Agriculture Information Bank, Importance, Composition and Uses of Coconut. The importance of the coconut in Austronesian cultures is evidenced by shared terminology of even very specific parts and uses of coconuts, which were carried outwards from the Philippines during the Austronesian migrations. For other uses, see, "Grated coconut" redirects here. Be notified when an answer is posted. It allows toxins to be thrown out of stomach. Mathur, P.N. Theyre mostly green until they fully mature. The President, National Coconut Producers, Processors and Marketers Association of Nigeria (NACOPPMAN), Nma Okoroji, has said coconuts can help generate over $400 billion for the Nigerian economy . Coconut flesh is either eaten raw or dried to form copra, the meat of the seed and the source for coconut oil. She has worked in some of the worlds most prestigious kitchens, and has published several cookbooks that have become bestsellers. Coconut flesh is high in fat and can be dried or eaten fresh or processed into coconut milk orcoconut oil. Coconut (Cocos nucifera). Which Is Healthier Refined Or Unrefined Coconut Oil? . Early Spanish explorers called it coco, meaning "monkey face." Coconut fruits float readily and have been dispersed widely by ocean currents and by humans throughout the tropics. The tradition began in the 1910s, and has continued since. Malauhog (literally "mucus-like") refers to very young coconut meat (around 6 to 7 months old) which has a translucent appearance and a gooey texture that disintegrates easily. [178] In Maldivian folklore, one of the main myths of origin reflects the dependence of the Maldivians on the coconut tree. These have much lower fat content and are suitable as milk substitutes. [13] It is consumed throughout the humid tropics, and has been introduced into the retail market as a processed sports drink. [103] Other states, such as Goa, Maharashtra, Odisha, West Bengal, and those in the northeast (Tripura and Assam) account for the remaining productions. Coconuts probably originated somewhere in Indo-Malaya and are one of the most important crops of the tropics. The coconut tree provides food, fuel, cosmetics, folk medicine and building materials, among many other uses. Coconut palms yield roughly 20 percent of the market's oils and fats, Just Change Trust estimates. What is the economic importance of coconut? Coconut oil is a "functional food" that is popular in traditional medicine in Asia and used worldwide to treat a wide variety of health problems from abscesses to upset stomachs. The coconut sector in the past has been dominated by products, copra and coconut oil, and the international coconut trade used to be driven by the demand for . [107] The annual rainy season known locally as khareef or monsoon makes coconut cultivation easy on the Arabian east coast. In order to resolve this enigma, a 2014 study proposed that the ancestors of Cocos had likely originated on the Caribbean coast of what is now Colombia, and during the Eocene the ancestral Cocos performed a long-distance dispersal across the Atlantic Ocean to North Africa. [65][64] The fact that all dwarf coconuts share three genetic markers out of thirteen (which are only present in low frequencies in tall cultivars) makes it likely that they all originate from a single domesticated population. The evolutionary origin of the coconut is under dispute, with theories stating that it may have evolved in Asia, South America, or on Pacific islands. When left to ferment on its own, it becomes palm wine. In addition to its economic value as a source of food and materials, the coconut is also an important source of income for many small-scale farmers and communities. [95], The practice of using macaques to harvest coconuts was exposed in Thailand by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in 2019, resulting in calls for boycotts on coconut products. Domesticated coconuts also have more amounts of coconut water. The natural planting, harvesting, and processing of coconuts along with its tropical climate makes for perfect growth conditions of this tropical delicacy. Drift models based on wind and ocean currents have shown that coconuts could not have drifted across the Pacific unaided. Philippine and Malayan dwarf coconuts diverged early into two distinct types. They also include fossil fruits that have been tentatively identified as modern Cocos nucifera. Numerous other dwarf cultivars also developed as the initial dwarf cultivar was introduced to other regions and hybridized with various tall cultivars. Due to the performance of coconut in the economy as the major source of income, it is considered as a predictor of the general economic activity of the country. This variety of oilseeds made up over 10 percent of the sector that year. Narali Purnima is celebrated on a full moon day which usually signifies the end of monsoon season in India. [163], The roots are used as a dye, a mouthwash, and a folk medicine for diarrhea and dysentery. [184], In March 1521, a description of the coconut was given by Antonio Pigafetta writing in Italian and using the words "cocho"/"cochi", as recorded in his journal after the first European crossing of the Pacific Ocean during the Magellan circumnavigation and meeting the inhabitants of what would become known as Guam and the Philippines. [37][38] In the West it was originally called nux indica, a name used by Marco Polo in 1280 while in Sumatra. They are also used as a garnish for various dishes, as in klepon and puto bumbong. Its versatility and value make it an important commodity that continues to play a vital role in the economic development of many countries around the world. Coconuts only came into prominence as an important food item after the 1860s and this was largely due to its use by the Indian indentured immigrants who had replaced the slaves on the plantations and who had used coconuts in a variety of ways in their native land. Importance of Coconut: The coconut palm is one of the most beautiful and useful trees in the world, grown in more than 80 countries of the tropical. Perera, Lalith, Suriya A.C.N. Malauhog has a "solid" sound when tapped, while Malakanin and Malakatad produce a "hollow" sound. In addition to its use as a food, the coconut is also a source of oil, which is used in cooking and in the production of a range of products, including soaps, cosmetics, and candles. This type of root system is known as fibrous or adventitious, and is a characteristic of grass species. nana) varieties. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). China is the largest producer of watermelon, Brazil of oranges, Italy of grapes and India of bananas. This mite infests coconut plantations, and is devastating; it can destroy up to 90% of coconut production. He explained how at Guam "they eat coconuts" ("mangiano cochi") and that the natives there also "anoint the body and the hair with coconut and beniseed oil" ("ongieno el corpo et li capili co oleo de cocho et de giongioli"). [136][137] In the Philippines, sweetened reduced coconut milk is marketed as coconut syrup and is used for various desserts. [49][50], Genetic studies of coconuts have also confirmed pre-Columbian populations of coconuts in Panama in South America. "It made sense" to bring the affair to . There are currently two major viewpoints on the origins of the genus Cocos, one in the Indo-Pacific, and another in South America. [147][148], Coconut vinegar, made from fermented coconut water or sap, is used extensively in Southeast Asian cuisine (notably the Philippines, where it is known as sukang tuba), as well as in some cuisines of India and Sri Lanka, especially Goan cuisine. Hemera Technologies/Photos.com/Getty Images. It contributes 2 per cent to Sri Lankas GDP, 2.5 per cent to export earnings and 5 per cent to employment. Studies have shown that coconut oil can help in significant reduction in belly fat. The fats in the coconut minimize the pores that attract dirt and bacteria and prevent skin from getting damaged. While comparable to sports drinks, which can be loaded with added sugars and flavorings, coconut water is low in calories and carbs. 37(9):830-5, 2004. Rigby (1995) assigned them to modern Cocos nucifera based on its size. Adsule, and S.S. Kadam. The leaves also provide material for baskets that can draw well water and for roofing thatch; they can be woven into mats, cooking skewers, and kindling arrows as well. [43], The specific name nucifera is derived from the Latin words nux (nut) and fera (bearing), for 'nut-bearing'. Coconut is grown in more than20.88 lakhha in the country with an estimated22167.45 million nuts during 2015-16with an average productivity of10614 nuts per ha. A coco chocolatero was a cup used to serve small quantities of beverages (such as chocolate drinks) between the 17th and 19th centuries in countries such as Mexico, Guatemala, and Venezuela. Immature coconuts produce a sloshing sound when shaken (the sharper the sound, the younger it is), while fully mature coconuts do not. Nutrition Facts: Vegetable Oil, Coconut. The coconut has cultural and religious significance in certain societies, particularly in the Western Pacific Austronesian cultures where it features in their mythologies, songs, and oral traditions. They have a thick fibrous husk surrounding the single-seeded nut. VCO is extracted f rom the fresh , matur e coconut kernel mechanically with or without t he use of heat. In Kerala, coconut trunks are used for house construction. In some coconut growing countries, the coconut is the main or only source of foreign exchange earnings. The milk or cream obtained by squeezing the granted kernel diluteded in water is sued in many preparations. ; Diekmann, M. In the Philippines, the coconut is commonly called the "tree of life". [6] On fertile soil, a tall coconut palm tree can yield up to 75 fruits per year, but more often yields less than 30. It has applications in furniture and specialized construction, as notably demonstrated in Manila's Coconut Palace. [58] They may grow but not fruit properly in areas with insufficient warmth, such as Bermuda. It is still the largest producer of coconut oil and copra, accounting for 64% of the global production. Based on linguistic evidence, the absence of words for coconut in the Taiwanese Austronesian languages makes it likely that the Austronesian coconut culture developed only after Austronesians started colonizing the Philippines.