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They identified this embryo as an oviraptorid dinosaur and the eggshell, upon close examination, turned out be that of elongatoolithid eggs and thereby the oofamily Elongatoolithidae was concluded to represent the eggs of oviraptorids. The teeth were packed into a single row that created a shearing surface. They identified Protoceratops as an ornithischian dinosaur closely related to ceratopsians representing a possible common ancestor between ankylosaurs and ceratopsians. [1][2], In 1923 the expedition prospected the Flaming Cliffs again, this time discovering even more specimens of Protoceratops and also the first remains of Oviraptor, Saurornithoides and Velociraptor. 8. Like Protoceratops, Montanoceratops and similar horned dinosaurs, Koreaceratops had a series of exceptionally long neural spines sticking up from its tail vertebrae which get progressively longer . 'first horned face') is a genus of small protoceratopsid dinosaurs that lived in Asia during the Late Cretaceous, around 75 to 71 million years ago.The genus Protoceratops includes two species: P. andrewsi and the larger P. hellenikorhinus.The former was described in 1923 with fossils from the Mongolian Djadokhta Formation, and the . [123], In 2011 Fastovsky with colleagues concluded that the juveniles within the nest MPC-D 100/530 were rapidly overwhelmed by a strong sand-bearing event and entombed alive. Quick facts about Protoceratops: Existed from 145 million years ago to 66 million years ago; Lived in a terrestrial habitat; Was a herbivore Protoceratops will possibly be able to burrow in The Isle, since it's seen living in burrows on official . There are two documented species: the type genus P. andrewsi and the newly named P. hellenikorhinus. The tail may have been related with structures like the frill for displaying behavior. Protoceratops were small ceratopsians, up to 22.5m (6.68.2ft) long and around 62104kg (137229lb) in body mass. Water dinosaurs who loved these places were the Hadrosaurus. This family was characterized by their overall primitive morphology in comparison to the more derived Ceratopsidae, such as lack of well-developed horn cores and relative smaller body size. Makovicky and team also stated that as the maximum/radical changes on the neck frill and nasal horn were present in most adult individuals, trying to differentiate sexual dimorphism (anatomical differences between sexes) in adult Protoceratops may not be a good practice. The sediments of the nest suggest a deposition through a dune-shift or strong sandstorms, and the orientation of the individuals indicates that sediments were brought from a prevailing west-southwest wind. In total, 40 skull characters were measured and compared, including regions like the frill and nasal horn. The Velociraptor has its right leg pinned under the Protoceratops body with its left sickle claw oriented into the throat region. The results suggests a mean embryonic tooth replacement period of 30.68 days and relatively plesiomorphically (ancestral-shared) long incubation times for P. andrewsi, with a minimum incubation time of 83.16 days. [63], Tereschenko in 2018 examined the cervical vertebrae series of six P. andrewsi specimens. Protoceratops (/protosrtps/; lit. Sometimes in old individuals the last dorsal vertebra was somewhat coosified to the first sacral. Protoceratops was a herbivore. [1] Although not stated in the original description, the generic name, Protoceratops, is intended to mean "first horned face" as it was believed that Protoceratops represented an early ancestor of ceratopsids. It was first discovered in Mongoliain the Gobi Desertby Roy Chapman in 1922. The name Protoceratops means . The capitular facet (attachment site for chevrons; also known as cervical ribs) was formed by a low projection located near the base of the neural arch. Classification: Stegosaur, Thyreophoran. Tereshchenko using speed equations also estimated the average maximum walking speed of Protoceratops at about 3km/h (kilometres per hour). [80] Richard A. Thulborn in 1992 analyzed the different types of eggs and neststhe majority of them, in fact, elongatoolithidreferred to Protoceratops and their structure. What was a Protoceratops's habitat? After emerging from the eggs, larvae would have fed on the carcass prior to pupating. The forelimbs of Protoceratops could sprawl laterally but not for quadrupedal locomotion, which was accomplished with the elbows tucked in. Since this event likely occurred after the death of both animals or during a point where movement was not possible, and the Protoceratops is missing other body elements, Barsbold suggested that scavengers were the most likely authors. Chevrons three to nine were the largest and from the tenth onwards they became smaller. Several isolated burrows found in sediments at this locality have also been reported penetrating in the bone surface of some buried Protoceratops individuals. 1.4 (17 votes) Chialingosaurus kuani was a stegosaurian that lived 160 million years ago in China. [31], In 2018 Tereshchenko examined and described several articulated cervical vertebrae of P. andrewsi and reported the presence of two abnormally fused vertebrae (specimen PIN 3143/9). Protoceratops. They indicated that sexual dimorphism in this population was marked by a prominent nasal horn in malestrait also noted by other authorsrelative wider nostrils in females, and a wider neck frill in males. A notorious amount of pupae were found in clusters and singly along the bone surfaces, mostly in the joint areas, where the trace makers would have feed on dried ligaments, tendons and cartilage. Protoceratops is nevertheless significant in its discovery as it has revealed many fascinating insights into dinosaur life. The large numbers of remains found relatively close to one another is taken as evidence of herding behaviour. Preservation of the scleral rings indicates a cathermal lifestyle meaning that Protoceratops was . The missing limbs of the Protoceratops were afterwards taken by scavengers. [7] During the 1960s to 1970s, Polish-Mongolian and Russian-Mongolian paleontological expeditions collected new, partial to complete specimens of Protoceratops at this locality, making this dinosaur species a common occurrence in Tugriken Shireh. Before their burial, the deathmatch ended up on the ground with the Velociraptor lying on its back right under the Protoceratops. These neck frill morphologies differ from those of Protoceratops from the Djadokhta Formation in the adjacent dinosaur locality Tugrikin Shire. Based on comparisons with other ornithischian dinosaurs such as Maiasaura and Orodromeusknown from more complete nestsThulborn concluded that most depictions of Protoceratops nests were based on incompletely preserved clutches and mostly on type A eggs, which were more likely to have been laid by an ornithopod. Like other ceratops, lived in a terrestrial habitat. Other changes during ontogeny include the elongation of the premaxillary teeth that are smaller in juveniles and enlarged in adults, and the enlargement of middle neural spines in the tail or caudal vertebrae, which appear to grow much taller when approaching adulthood. [12], In 2017 Gregory M. Erickson and colleagues determined the incubation periods of P. andrewsi and Hypacrosaurus by using lines of arrested growth (LAGS; lines of growth) of the teeth in embryonic specimens (Protoceratops egg clutch MPC-D 100/1021). (Cretaceous, Campanian), Mongolia", "Insect Trace Fossils Associated with Protoceratops Carcasses in the Djadokhta Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Mongolia: Forensic Entomology in the Upper Cretaceous", "Trace fossils on dinosaur bones from Upper Cretaceous eolian deposits in Mongolia: Taphonomic interpretation of paleoecosystems in ancient desert environments", "Trace fossils on dinosaur skeletons from the Upper Cretaceous of Gobi desert, Mongolia", "Why Protoceratops almost certainly wasn't the inspiration for the griffin legend", Footage from the Third Central Asiatic Expedition,, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 01:55. Both dentary and maxillary teeth presented marked homodontya dental condition where the teeth share a similar shape and size. [47] The fossilized footprint associated with the specimen ZPAL Mg D-II/3 described by Niedwiedzki in 2012 indicates that Protoceratops was digitigrade, meaning that it walked with its toes supporting the body weight. Diet: herbivorous Teeth: shearing and grinding teeth with a horny beak at the front Food: plant material How it moved: on 4 legs When it lived: Coahuilaceratops fossils have been recovered from strata of the Late Cretaceous Period (Campanian), around 72 Ma (million years ago). Se ha dado con huevos pequeos y con una gran cantidad de fsiles, que abarcan desde especmenes jvenes . Despite maintaining the skull morphology of most Protoceratops specimens (such as premaxillary teeth), the neck frill in this population was straighter with a near triangular shape. The coronoid (highest point of the lower jaw) was blunt-shaped and touched by the coronoid process of the dentary, being obscured by the jugal. A nest full of dinosaur babiesfossilized in their "last, bug-eyed, terrified minutes"suggests Protoceratops parents nurtured their young. The clavicle of Protoceratops was an U to slightly V-shaped element that joined to the upper border of the scapulocoracoid. It was subsequently analyzed by the paleontologist Walter W. Granger who identified it as reptilian. Both parietals were coossified (fused), creating a long ridge on the center of the frill. Obtained results indicated that other than the nasal hornwhich remained as the only skull trait with potential sexual dimorphismall previously suggested characters to differentiate hyphotetical males from females were more linked to ontogenic changes and intraspecific variation independent of sex, most notably the neck frill. The articular was a smaller bone and had a concavity on its inner surface for the articulation with the quadrate. The sacral vertebrae were firmly coosified giving form to the sacrum, which was connected to the inner sides of both ilia. When the type fossil of Oviraptor was unearthed, in 1923, it was sitting atop a clutch of fossilized eggsprompting the theory that it had just raided a Protoceratops nest. He agreed with Brown and Schlaikjer in that a high, well-developed nasal horn represents a male trait and the opposite indicates females. [36], Also from the context of the Polish-Mongolian paleontological expeditions, in 1965 an articulated subadult Protoceratops skeleton (specimen ZPAL Mg D-II/3) was collected from the Bayn Dzak locality of the Djadokhta Formation. While Andy and his colleagues were able to show that the frill of Protoceratops likely evolved as a result of social behaviour between members of the species as opposed to, for example, defence, it is difficult to be conclusive that . [11], Fastovsky in 1997 examined the geology at Tugriken Shireh providing insights into the taphonomy of Protoceratops. The genus Protoceratops includes two species: P. andrewsi and the larger P. hellenikorhinus. Protoceratops was initially believed to be an ancestor of ankylosaurians and larger ceratopsians, such as Triceratops and relatives, until the discoveries of other protoceratopsids. Fact or Fiction. [39] Tereshchenko in 2021 fully described the axial skeleton of this specimen.[40]. [73], Peter Dodson in 1996 used anatomical characters of the skull in P. andrewsi in order to quantify areas subject to ontogenic changes and sexual dimorphism. Protoceratops, pronounced pro-to-SER-uh-TOPS, (GreekFirst Horned Face) was a small prehistoric ceratopsian dinosaur of the ornithischian order that existed in the Late Cretaceous Period. The predentary (frontmost bone) was very pointed and elongated, having a V-shaped symphyseal (bone union) region at the front. In 2010, it was named by Alan L. Titus, Catherine A. Forster, Mark A. Loewen, Andrew A. Farke, Scott D. Sampson, Joshua A. Smith, and Eric M. Roberts. Their neural spines were smaller than the first three vertebrae and the development of the capitular facet diminished from the fourth cervical onwards. It was a member of the Protoceratopsidae, a group of early . [19] Both species can be differentiated by the following characteristics: The skull of Protoceratops was relatively large compared to its body and robustly built. Protoceratopsidae is a family of basal (primitive) ceratopsians from the Late Cretaceous period. They had a prominent parrot-like beak at the tip of the jaws. Griffins were described as guarding the gold deposits in the arid hills and red sandstone formations of the wilderness. In P. hellenikorhinus this boss was divided in two sharp and long ridges. [12], Hone and colleagues in 2014 indicated that two assemblages of Protoceratops at Tugriken Shireh (MPC-D 100/526 and 100/534) suggest that individuals died simultaneously, rather than accumulating over time. The type species is Coahuilaceratops magnacuerna. Early members such as Psittacosaurus were small and bipedal. They were characterized by a proportionally large skull, short and stiff neck, and neck frill. Their neural spines were broad, not coosified, and rather consistent in length. The dominant lithology is reddish-brown, poorly cemented, fine grained sandstone with some conglomerate, and caliche. He concluded that the prominent displacement of pectoral elements and right forelimb was caused by an external force that tried to tear them out. Diabloceratops was a medium-sized, moderately built, ground-dwelling, quadrupedal herbivore, that could grow up . Descrio. Protoceratops itself was considered by the authors to be somehow related to ankylosaurians based on skull traits, with a more intensified degree to Triceratops and relatives. The first block (MPC-D 100/526) comprises four juvenile individuals in close proximity with their heads pointing upwards, and the second block (MPC-D 100/534) is composed of two sub-adults with a horizontal orientation. The first known remains of P. hellenikorhinus were collected from the Bayan Mandahu locality of the Bayan Mandahu Formation, Inner Mongolia, in 1995 and 1996 during Sino-Belgian paleontological expeditions. ; Vincent Tong and Aaron Harris as Crash and Eddie, respectively: Twin prankster opossum . Protoceratops andrewsi. He suggested that the large neck frill was likely an attachment site for masticatory muscles. He cited the distinctive posture of some Protoceratops involving the body and head arched upwards with forelimbs tucked in at their sidesa condition known as "standing" in particular casesthe absence of sedimentary structures in sediments preserving the individuals, and the Fighting Dinosaurs taphonomic history itself as evidence for this catastrophic preservation. The team however, was not able to produce deeper analysis regarding sexual dimorphism in P. hellenikorhinus due to the lack of complete specimens. A Dinosaur's Pterosaur Lunch. [30] Norell and team in 2020 analyzed again this clutch and concluded that Protoceratops laid soft-shelled eggs. Although it was not fully understood the conditions surrounding their burial, it was clear that they died simultaneously in struggle. Knapp and team noted that results of the frill indicate that this structure had a major role in signaling within the species, consistent with selection of potential mates with quality ornamentation and hence reproductive success, or dominance signaling. On its upper region a concavity was developed for the joint with the smaller fibula. The exact size and shape of the frill varied by individual; some had short, compact frills, while others had frills nearly half the length of the skull. Moreover, it lies on the floor with its feet directed to the prey's belly and throat areas, indicating that this Velociraptor was not scavenging. The co-workers also noted that the Fox Site Protoceratops preserves associated traces in the encasing sediment, indicative of necrophagous activity after the animal was buried. [6] In 1940, Barnum Brown and Erich Maren Schlaikjer described the anatomy of P. andrewsi in extensive detail using newly prepared specimens from the Asiatic expeditions. Weighing up to 100 poundsabout the size of a wolf Velociraptors likely hunted solo as they roamed across central and eastern Asia in the late Cretaceous . [12] Gregory M. Erickson and team in 2017 reported an embryo-bearing egg clutch (MPC-D 100/1021) of Protoceratops from the also fossiliferous Ukhaa Tolgod locality, discovered during paleontological expeditions of the American Museum of Natural History and Mongolian Academy of Sciences. [56], However, Leonardo Maiorino with team in 2015 performed a large geometric morphometric analysis using 29 skulls of P. andrewsi in order to evaluate actual sexual dimorphism. [11], In 2014 David W. E. Hone and colleagues reported and described two blocks containing death assemblages of P. andrewsi from Tugriken Shireh. [50], Furthermore, with the re-examinations of Turanoceratops in 2009 and Zuniceratopstwo critical ceratopsian taxa regarding the evolutionary history of ceratopsidsin 2010 it was concluded that the origin of ceratopsids is unrelated to, and older than the fossil record of Protoceratops and relatives. Because Protoceratops is considered to have been a herding animal, another hypothesis is that members of a herd tried to pull out the already buried Protoceratops, causing the joint dislocation of limbs. Unlike later ceratopsians, it lacked intense horns. The squamosal touched the jugal (cheekbone) and was very enlarged and high having a curved end that built the borders of the frill. It had a sharp end and rough texture, which reflects that a rhamphotheca (horny beak) was present. [53], In 2019 Czepiski analyzed a vast majority of referred specimens to the ceratopsians Bagaceratops and Breviceratops, and concluded that most were in fact specimens of the former. . Lastly, both animals were buried by sand. Whereas P. andrewsi is found in aeolian sediments (Bayn Dzak or Tugriken Shireh), P. hellenikorhinus is found in the aeolian-fluvial sediments. [26], However, also during 1994, Norell and colleagues reported and briefly described a fossilized theropod embryo inside an egg (MPC-D 100/971) from the Djadokhta Formation. [103] Ukhaa Tolgod, a highly fossiliferous locality is also included in the Bayn Dzak member. The average weight of the dinosaur was 400kg (900 pounds) 4. The surangular was near triangular in shape and in old individuals it was coossified together with the coronoid process. Roy Chapman Andrews (1884-1960) was an explorer who carried a bullwhip, wore a broad-brimmed hat, regularly . After burial, either Protoceratops herd or scavengers tore off the buried Protoceratops to the left and backwards, making both predator and prey to be slightly separated. For instance, the Protoceratops has a semi-erect stance and its skull is nearly horizontal, which could have not been possible if the animal was already dead. They noted that whereas photopic (diurnal) animals have smaller sclerotic rings, scotopic (nocturnal) animals tend to have more enlarged rings. The main gait of Protoceratops was probably trot-like mostly using its hindlimbs and it is unlikely to have used an asymmetric gait.