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The school days are spread more evenly over the year, with more frequent short breaks and the absence of a 10-12 week summer break. Shifting to this schedule does have certain disadvantages, especially for working parents. When larger school districts attempt this kind of schedule, they find few, if any, benefits coming from their actions. Recently Michael Gove raised the issue of the length of school holidays and the school day - the former are apparently too long, the latter too short. Disadvantage: Less time for extracurricular activities. that the flexibility of the 4-day work week helps them get more done. Budgetary requirements are an important part of a longer school days pros and cons list. The very thought of sending kids to school year-round makes some parents cringe. We were able to build a strong community and school consensus as a result of our programs success. Despite these difficulties, many disabled students go on to lead successful and fulfilling lives. Spread the loveOne of the questions that I am frequently asked is, what does a good teacher look like? Going to the 4-day schedule can create scheduling conflicts with other districts, particularly with sporting events, performances, and groups like 4-H. not just on the weekdays when students were out of school. The Pros and Cons of Year-Round Schools. Teachers have more time to prepare lessons and collaborate during the day. Oklahoma Department of Education examined the economic effect of going to a They saved 1.4%, or $45,000, instead. Longer school days would provide students with more time to focus on core subjects or classes where they need more instruction, which would be a huge benefit. A three-day weekend allows for extra leisure time, as well as a reduction in commute and energy usage. school schedules from 5 to 4 days. Spread the loveThis term describes a manner of classifying gifted students to place them in properly segmented classrooms. Teacher time will be increased when the school day is extended, allowing them to spend more time with pupils and to concentrate on problem areas and more challenging content. That means the average cost, per student, is about $700. In this article, we will examine this question in depth. Con: Not all students need one-on-one assistance, and some may even experience boredom or burnout from the extended school day. It changes the holiday schedules for the school district. When looking at the benefits of a longer school year, the opportunity for expanding subject matter and the individualized needs of students are factors. Other pros and cons exist in the school lunch debate. Over the course of a 2-year period on this alternative schedule, they reported up to a 20% increase in student attendance. All rights reserved. However, disabled students often face additional challenges in accessing education and achieving academic success. The National School Board Association estimates that approximately 135,000 guns are brought to America's 85,000 public schools each day. Some schools even require students to have the belt line exposed at all times for fear of guns concealed under clothing. While state requirements vary on the number of instructional days and hours in the year, the majority of states set the school year at 180 days (30 states). The length of the school day in China varies from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. With a shortened school day, the amount of instructional time would be reduced. What's the Difference Between Burnout and Demoralization, and What Can Teachers Do About It? After-school jobs are a common way for teens to make money. A potential decline in academic performance for vulnerable groups. When implemented, however, 1st graders do just as well as teens with the expanded schedule and 3-day weekend. To compare, a regular semester generally lasts 16-18 weeks. If you ask the average kid what they think about school, youll get a very honest answer: Its boring. From K-12, it can be difficult for students to stay engaged in the classroom during a 5-day school week. Out of a budget of $5.5 million, they saved $206,000. Many of these districts are small and rural, such as Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Wyoming. Rural school districts and small school districts benefit the most from a 4-day schedule because of their natural isolation. If so, keep reading. When the new school day was implemented, the system was relieved of the need to cram math, reading, and science into a short period of time, allowing for more time to be spent on subjects that students enjoy and teachers enjoy. Students usually go to school about 6 hours each day in most districts. Children have more time to participate in other activities that help them learn more. But you see with shorter school days youd have more spare time to complete school work. The move toward a shorter workweek is gaining momentum. The majority of these are found in the western United States, including Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, and Oklahoma, Thompson said. They argue that playing with classmates helps children develop social skills. Changing the times could increase attendance by 1%, which could bring in $40 million more. Cons of a Longer School Day Does Not Ensure Higher Achievement Some studies have been done that show that longer instruction time can improve achievement, but those results depend on things like classroom environment, quality of instruction, student prior knowledge and ability. Some districts have seen their disciplinary issues decline by more than 70% in the first two years of implementing a 4-day schedule. There are some drawbacks to shorter school days, as well. When making a decision about whether to adopt a shorter school week, it is important for school districts to consider the 4 day school week pros and cons. Does precision really make a program successful? 6. . It creates a long school day for students. That also makes scheduling problematic for many families. In many US school districts, the first class begins 1-2 hours after most parents need to be at work. Some students believe that having a four-day school week allows them to get more rest and to be in a less stressful atmosphere than they would otherwise have. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days Advantage: More time to devote to learning. ", 21 Payday Loan Industry Statistics, Trends & Analysis, 100 Best Side Hustles for Teens to Make Money, 10 Proven Psychological Pricing Strategies with Examples, 100 Office Etiquette Rules You Need to Know, 50 Best Business Letter Closings of All-Time. As a result, learning is less effective due to budget constraints. In 2006, a study by Yarbrough and Gilman found that teachers working in a 5-day school schedule reported that they have a lot of wasted time. Pros and Cons of a Shorter Workweek. configuration, but nine districts were actually spending more. These are more reasons CHS should move to a four day school week. Lets take a look at some proof. There are many financial benefits from a 4 day school week.With only 4 days in a week, that is one less day theschool has to pay for lunches . Shorter work weeks can improve employment productivity and provide families with more meaningful time together. What are the advantages and disadvantages of including issues such as child care? In general, taking away recess as punishment may be seen as unfair or too harsh, especially for young children. If something goes wrong . Con: School districts across the U.S. are struggling to make ends meet. Companies have been experimenting with shorter work days for at least a decade and, despite announcements that the 40-hour week is dead, there have been mixed results from the experiments. Since many of the families in these areas run farms, it gives families extra time to get work done during the week. These 300 would have to find some alternative to school on Fridays if the Moniteau County R-1 School Districts schedule changed from a five day week to a four day week. There is the possibility of making up for lost time, especially those who are at a disadvantage due to the digital divide. Games occur in the evening, often on the weekend. During recess, limit the number of games or activities that students can participate in. And the school districts in the state have stable student achievement levels on their standardized tests. The Agrarian calendar is rooted in the past. A change in schedule is an adjustment for school officials, students and families. Find out about families that swap a shorter summer break for learning time that's more continuous. If you want to avoid withholding recess as punishment, consider rewarding yourself rather than punishing yourself, such as rewarding yourself with extra recess for good behavior. It was Mann who founded the first public school in the United States and is widely regarded as the Father of the Public School System. What are some arguments for ending school at 8 hours? In the Article by Lisa Lewis, it also talks about how delaying school by 1 hour produces the same benefit as shrinking class size by one-third or replacing a teacher in the 50th percentile of effectiveness with one in the 84th percentile.(Lewis). First, it would give students more time to focus on their homework and studies outside of school. In return, the number of disciplinary measures can also be reduced. Why shorter school days are better for teachers? If a student lives an hour outside of town and have an 8am school bell to meet, then theyre on the bus at 7am. Many school Another potential drawback is that shorter school days could lead to more after-school activities, which could be a problem for working parents. Delaying school start times is associated with a decrease in bedtimes and an increase in sleep for every minute the school day is delayed. One of the primary motivations for adopting the four-day week is financial savings for the school district. There have been several studies that reported the 4-day school week had positive effects on students math and reading scores. This has been a hot topic especially the states that dont have as large of an economy. Lets face it our best school memories arent from tests or pop quizzes. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Extended School Days Advantage: More time to devote to learning. Schools would also have to change their bus transportation systems which are designed to run as efficiently and inexpensively as possible. How would it sound if school weeks were only four days long and, in doing that, it saved your school money at the same time? After physical activity, children with or without ADHD appear to perform better at attention, memory, and mood. Pros. four-day week across 16 school districts. They can supervise their children at the bus stop in rural districts as well. List of Cons of Implementing 4-Day School Weeks 1. 18 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of the Payback Period, 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing a Car, 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Financing, 24 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of a C Corporation, 16 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation, 18 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gated Community, 17 Big Advantages and Disadvantages of Focus Groups, 17 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Bonds, 19 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Annuities, 17 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising. This may not seem like a lot, but when you factor in homework and after-school activities, it can be a lot for a student to handle. With the long break of summer, many people prefer the short breaks of year round schools. If a longer lunch allows high school students to leave campus, they might opt for unhealthy fast-food options; on the other hand, this extended time might allow them to seek out healthier dishes than those available in the cafeteria. 2. It provides a realistic way for schools to remain open and also has added benefits beyond saving money. Class runs Monday- Thursday with an added 40-60 minutes each day to compensate for the lost time by not having the schools run on Fridays. In the standard 5-day school week, sports practices occur after school. The Chattooga County School District in Georgia shifted to a 4-day school week. 1. Students have more time outside of school to focus on other important aspects of their lives. When it comes to school, we most likely understand what its like to go to school all year. So much so, many new teachers end up leaving the field within their first three years. The standard requirement for schools is 180 days or an average range of 990-1080 hours. In 2022, companies in the U.K., the U.S., and Canada instituted a four-day workweek pilot program to test the concept. For school districts struggling with funding issues, the potential savings here could save the budget. Con: A longitudinal study in New Mexico looked at the performance difference in K-3 students from seven different school districts. Spread the loveThe International Baccalaureate Program is a very intensive pre-college program in which when students get involved, they get college credit. recess is not only ineffective but also harmful to students who may feel that the punishment is excessive. Finally, some parents worry that shorter days could mean that their children would have less time to participate in extracurricular activities. . The challenges of implementing such a schedule for parents, administrators, and even some teachers have caused some Colorado school districts to return to the traditional schedule instead of the alternative 4-day schedule. If practicums can be included with small group discussions, the retention rate can top 90% for some students. School districts consider shorter school days for several reasons, including saving money and providing students the ability to participate in more extracurricular activities. Spread the loveAfrican Africans have a long history of being mistreated in the United States, starting with slavery. (Solution). There are a variety of health issues that can be caused by a lack of sleep. Spread the loveBuilding a culturally responsive classroom is hard. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Bisbee Unified School District (AZ) saved $154,000, Duval County Public School (FL) saved $7 million, and Lake Superior School District (MN) $200,000. These actions often negate the benefits of the 3-day weekend because it really isnt a true 3-day weekend. This is a big con for me, as sacrificing the futures of our most vulnerable students is not worth the trivial benefits of 4-day school weeks. It is encouraged for students to try new things in order to benefit from them. Because school buses are only running 4 days per week instead of 5 days, there is the potential of reducing transportation costs by up to 20% by shifting the schedule. There are many changes with switching the school days. Some school districts, particularly those that are in regions of the U.S. where snowfall creates a handful of cancellations each year, find that they are forced to reduce, if not eliminate, certain holidays or vacations. According to Adam Urbanski, president of the Rochester Teachers Association, there is no guarantee that popularity will be replicated in other schools. Spread the loveThis term refers to the grouping of students by mental capability, aptitude, or hobbies. Imagine a school year that gave the students one week off after every quarter and every Friday off. Shorter Classes: Depending on your school's summer schedule, you can complete a semester's worth of work in eight, five, or even three weeks. Because the four-day school week has only been around for a decade or so, we simply dont have enough time, data, or research to make a definitive declaration. It is also possible for schools to extend the school day in more districts across the country. Required fields are marked *, on Why School Days Should Be Shorter? According to The Notebook, longer school days add to low energy and exhaustion. The longer school days of a 4-day week make it almost impossible for teens to find a job after school. The ability to offer a 3-day weekend, every weekend, is a powerful motivator for school districts that are recruiting for quality employees. The pros and cons of a 4-day school week offer many challenges. We call for a relatively radical and certainly quite comprehensive reorganization of Americas P-20 system. A new educational model could be implemented: 9-to-5 schools. In Alabama, the school year lasts 180 days and the school day lasts 7.03 hours. Your typical school week: Monday-Friday with the hours sometime between 7 am- 4 pm. It was suggested that a combination of four-week summer holidays and a school day finishing at 4:30pm would lead to improvements in pupil attainment. Fuel, oil, salaries, and supervisory costs can be, A lot of parents are shaking their heads at the consideration of a four-day school week, and a longer school day. On top of that, you will likely only be taking 1-2 classes at a time instead of four or more. In-depth consultation between all constituents reveals the pros and cons of extended school days. In The benefits are many. 5. Because of this, school districts dont have a hard Teachers are frequently overworked and required to perform tasks that are outside their job description. 6-7. Some school districts shifted to a 4-day week not because of financial needs, but others did so to make it easier to schedule sporting events or after-school activities. A local news reporter says thevve also saved substitute teacher costs because teachers don't have to take a day off for appointments (Chiaramonte 2 ). In 2009, there were 3,000 schools in the United States operating on a year-round basis. Rural areas report that their student attendance has increased since switching to the 4-day school week. It may reduce the number of discipline referrals for students. It almost forces some families into taking their vacation time from work during these holidays to accommodate the needs of their children. Those human beings that seem larger than life and almost achieve Godlike status. The. Certain activities or games should be prohibited (for an indefinite period of time). Children have a six-week summer break and ten days of off every 45 days of class.