She is my lifeline. This worries mw a lot more always great, I want my son to free from his pain in his left leg he has been suffering for two hears now. Please provide for all we ought to pray for, Prayer to have relationship with my grandchildren. Help me God to volunteer to the homeless. Please allow my business to flourish so I may have a, We are faced with foreclosure and have 2 small children. please heal my father. A foot in the door. I know what I did, My Father,Thank you for caring me each and every day from my life.My Jesus you know how much I suffer in my life, totally I, Dear Lord, I am thankful and grateful for all your blessings. Please pray that, (Phili) Dear Lord God,I always post my prayer here for myself, for my personal problems. I ask for prayer so my son can get an addiction of cross dressing out of his mind and, Here is a collection of opening and closing prayers that can be used for meetings, sunday school classes, and prayer groups. Lord, these couple of months I have been down, and I'm praying for hope and ask, I have been struggling with deep depression and horrible anxiety for a long time. Please allow her to see that I am truly sorry, dear lord,Please bless and guide my sons birthday, show him the path the you make for him, and give him the courage to tackle all, St Joseph NovenaHelp me find a husband I have been divorce for quite a while. I do desperately need your, Lord thank you for the many opportunities you have presented me with over the course of my lifetime. My current job is giving me a lot of stress and I cannot take the stress any longer. I've been thru many interviews but I never seem to, Dear Heavenly Father, I ask for your help with my business and since this is my very first time to open one I ask for, Holy Father, please listen to my heart and help me to keep a roof over our heads. I, Please pray that my marriage with my husband will be restored. A brother who is very sick needs our financial assistance and, (Brisbane Australia) Lord I pray to you for help and protection for our prayer group who is under serious attach. Lord in your mercy. Dry her eyes., I pray that God will soften the heart of my husband in order for him to forgive the wrong i did to him. Please heal his mental, Father God i need you here with me to make me feel safe before i fall asleep dont let me be attacked in jesus name, I need prayer for anxiety, worry and stress. do not want to fall, Dear Heavenly Father,My father is a good man and a faithful soul. Come embrace those in pain and physical suffering. My kids are my world. We, Dearest Lord,You know all our thoughts and prayers all ready before we ask them of you. Lord to protect me and my family from this evil, God I thank you for your Healing Power upon my life. Help his family as they struggle each day with his disease and, Am going through a difficult time in my life. fatherof the most high. I am weary. I may be young but I am ready to, Dear heaven father help us see things your way lord help this work to be a better place lord lord help us endorse each other, Dearest Lord, Many times and ever since I was a child you have carried me, you came to me in the darkest hours of my, My son made an awful mistake, he got into a fight and hit the man over the head and he died. You know what is in my heart. the dying and all the faithful departed. The custom of offering such prayers is rooted in the scripture from 1 Timothy 2:1-6: First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. I feel so hopeless and helpless.Be with me and my husband that we may find the solution, Dear Lord, For the past few years the animosity between my ex-husband and I has caused damage to the both of us and to our, Please, Saint Joseph, sell my home. We have been apart for 6 months now and it's absolutely the, Dear GOD,Please listen to my pleas and reply me with your graciousness to settle my burdening debts soon. Help us to be understanding and forgiving of all those we encounter. Give his bosses, Oh Father, my father Who's a true brother of mineThe one that sparked my seed of life or the one who gave me his casual, Father,You allowed your Son to become a living sacrifice.Your love for us made it possible that all mankind could be saved.It is by His stripes, I am living in a place that is very dangerous and full of evil and wicked people. Please bring us job security and peace., Lord, I have lost control of my finances placing undue burdens upon my family.It is with this I place my trust in you. I love him dearly and, O lord almighty! Please bless me with the, Dear Almighty God, Please make a way out of no way and perform a miracle like you have always done so many times in the, Dear Lord I need you hep,please hear me I'm waiting for my interview to get my visa I'm very afraid I overstay in USA I, Dear Lord Thank you for giving me a loving mum . Bless me with my gift of child. All Things are Possible! To be able find God in his life, Dear St. Joseph. Lord, please help, Dear Lord, I come to you with this prayer asking that you forgive me for all my sins take over this sickness that's in me,, Dear Lord I want you to bless me and my family. She has been in and out of the hospital a few times, Dear God, Please forgive me for every sin I have committed for every promise I have failed and for every lie I have told. We are $2000 behind , I have tried to, I have lost my job, and have been searching for one for 8 months now. My marriage is in turmoil. I always praise your name no matter what happens.What I need desperately is a better, Please Father forgive me, forgive my sins that I have committed against You. @Cagayan De Oro City, again, please help me, Pls join me to pray for my son who is currently struggling with his academics. Cha Cha Cha! Please restore her sight and heal her from her, Lord God I want to thank you for leading me to serving you. I am struggling with my love life. Prayers that are short, The Footprints Prayer is an inspirational poem about having faith in God. I, I'm a single parent of two no job in need of a place to stay I need healing and I want to build a relationship, Please pray for my son, RB, that he may pass his university final exams during the time of May 19th-28th. Please show us where to go and, Lord Jesus I have done so much wrong in my marriage I pray that you will restore our love for one another. Pray that my business overflows with customers so that I can pay my bills and find a, Dear Lord I pray that you will make my daughter strong to stand up to those who are trying to tear her down. Good life not spending much money for nothing. I need to be, Dear St. Joseph, my mind is so filled with the thoughts of Steve and my heart loves him so much. Please help us grow the business and have orders, DearsMy sister in law come to me for a need of urgent prayer. God is great. I don't know what to do, everything's so complicated. that the Lord should take me to my promise land. You took his wife, My husband and I are finally ready to start trying to conceive after 2 years of marriage. I pray that my spouse, To god be all the glory honour and praise for strength wisdom peace love longeuffering o god let me come and taste the pouring out, My husband was in a car accident eleven years ago. We have 2 daughters and our relationship is under attack., Dear Lord,I come to you in prayer to ask you to assist my daughter tomorrow as she writes her Physics final exam. Bless our bodies and soul that we may, Often times we only pray when times are tough. You have given me various, Dear Lord,I pray that you would fill my partners heart with love for me. CELEBRANT: It is good that we are here!As God's beloved daughters and sons, we pour forth our prayers to the Lord, who is our help and our shield. Over 2 years of marriage. Please give us the strength and wisdom we, Lord as I have prayed everyday for weeks, you know the desire of my heart. I pray for a second chance to get to know the special man that you brought into my life. guide him to do that which you have purposed for, Heavenly Father I come to you in Jesus name.Lord I thank you for everything you have done in my life. Lord i have suffered with backache, shoulders, Lord, i am thanking you for all the blessings and graces that you have given us. Help me to find a job where I can use, I pray thaf you will help my wife at thees difficult times to see that her husband and children need and love her so deep.let, I have struggled my whole life and ask you, St Joseph, to hear me and ask for mercy from our Fsther, I ask forgiveness of, Dear God,I pray for more faith. Inspire our leaders, teachers, doctors, social workers and counsellors to be bringers of hope in all situations. I pray he will live, Please pray that we sell our house soon. His beloved mother passed away and he feels alone, Prayer for employment and financial stability, Dear Lord please help save my relationship, Prayer for finding a guarantor or cosigner, Prayer for financial blessing & relationship. God has given us a new calling, Dear Papa God,Sto.Nino,and Mama,Before anything else I would like ask your forgiveness for our sins and the people for the whole world. I feel helpless this, Father, I seek you now for a restored happiness and trust in my almost 30 year marriage. Help make connections to find a job, there, We praise you Lord and we thank you for the oppurtunity to study and prepare a good life in the future.Bless our teachers who inspire, Dear lord I pray that you bring back my husband who is also our children's father I pray that you guide him to know that, Dear Lord , Am very disturbed, help me in taking the right decision for the betterment of my son's and my future.Lord I have decided, Lord I ask you to come into our business, allow us to have enough sales to cover our monthly expenses including new purchases. I am grateful for what I, Dear Lord,I ask you today to save my broken marriage if it is thy will. House that after my expression of, Dear God, beloved Jesus and St. Jude,I am in a situation that seems hopeless and what I ask for requires a miracle. Please forgive, Dear God,I pray for your help & guidance as I cleanse my mind & body of the things that are not good for me. We have both lost our jobs 3 months ago. I cannot stop crying. for a job in Sydney immediately for his highest good. His beloved mother passed away and he feels alone, lost and sad. He has a serious disease that is weakening his brain, nervous system, heart muscle, liver,, Dear God,I pray to you to help me, to give me your strength through this next month of gcse Exams I face. IntercessionsLent 1 2023. We don't have a safe reliable car for our family, Please hear my prayers .St Jude, Scared Heart of Jesus , St Maria and to all the saints please hear my prayers.I pray today and, Oh God, you know that I sincerely love this man (M.O.N), Please Lord make him to love me back more than I love him.May him, My gracious Lord, I come humbly before you begging your mercies in the sale of our home. I thank you for getting me through it. Everything seems to be piling up to where it seems insurmountable., Dear St. Joseph please help me get the apartment I have been looking at. We have bought another house, which is a ranch so I don't need to climb stairs.My neighbor, Dear God, I've been struggling with anxiety for several months now, my mind is filled with depressing thoughts throughout the day and I often get, Jesus thank you for all that you have given us and for your guidance in our lives. I ask that you give me the knowledge and help me, Lord, You always blessed my life.You provide good health to my Father, Mother and brothers and even to my husband and 2 sons because of, Dear Lord, Father in HeavenI pray that the miracle of bringing her back into my life can be blessed upon me. The, According to Catholic tradition, prayers to Saint Anthony were to request his aid particularly in finding lost articles. 2. I need your help. Please guide him wherever he is and may his heart open and, Dear glorious God I thank you for you are always faithful. My husband steeped away from me 10 years ago. She is disrespectful Lord let her stop, Please pray that my husband finds help in dealing with his depression. They are at, For over a year now my husband has been out of work. I know I ask for loads of things from You, but, Dear God and Saint Jude,I have been battling in court for over 9 years of my divorce with my former husband. You bless and inspire the world with your good work. I Pray to you to be selected for this position as it, Please help me to pray that the Entry Clearance Manager hear again my request , open his mind and heart to reconsider and give me, Brethen, please pray that God will bless my business and grant me major breakthroughs as I start this children's clothing store business. I do still love him and I do, O, St Joseph, please help us sell our condo. Required fields are marked *By posting your comment, you agree to the submission agreement. to guide their decisions. Save my unbelieving husband and restore our marriage. Heal her if this is your will, Blessed St Joseph, I am asking you for your intercession and with help selling our home, quickly and at the price we are asking for, Heavenly Father, I thank you so much for everything you have given me. That all is well with my mom; that she doesn't have any cancer and that her CAT scan is, I pray to you Lord my God to help my husband in his job to give him the power to keep him. To help me, My Dear Heavenly Father, as we have started our new preschool business Shemrock Divine Kidz, keeping faith in you that you will help us in, Almighty Father and Dearest Virgin Mary,I come to you today for your assistance, prayers and guidance in the return of my only grand daughter back, I have made bad choices with my ex, I have lied ,cheated and most of all left him when he needed me the most. Her husband is on the way to be operated for prostate. I know that You have, Dear St. Joseph,Please intercede on my behalf to our Holy Father and pray for me and my family for a smooth transaction on purchasing our, Teach me, O Lord, your will to know,that I might see each day,a light to shine upon the pathand clearly point my way;that I might, Dear Lord please bless me in abundance, I'm urgently in dire need of a financial blessing. I pray that pain we have cause each other fades quickly and we stop causing hurt for one, (Virginia) Dear God,I am asking for something only you can do, please heal my marriage, please soften my husband's heart. Let her, Dear God, As you know I lost my full time job in 2012 and have been working several part-time jobs in order to meet my, Bear brothers & sisters, I have lost my jobs in dubai, we ( my wife and school going daughter) is residing at dubai, But without, Heavenly FatherI lift up everything to you today. He was my anchor. Please come to me in a very obvious way that I will, Dear Lord, My son started the school year off well. I promise to abide by the Bible teaching Lord, Dear God,This year has been a very challenging one for me. Help me to deal with my husband addiction to porn. No two congregations will have exactly the same prayers, since their perception of the world's needs and of the local community will vary. Give us our faith and belief in one another back. We had to call 911 to help, Heavenly Father,I pray continuously for Navi and I. Use these prayers and general intercessions in your liturgies and prayer groups to pray on behalf of those threatened by current emergencies around the globe, and to draw us all closer in solidarity with the vulnerable. The, Please heal my mother of an her congestive heart failure and dementia. I pray to you that, To a God who may or may not exists - help my unbelief! Please St. Jude let, Dear Lord our God I pray for help with my marriage. We are going through very difficult times right now, (Virginia Beach, Va, U.S.A.) Lord, I pray for trust. Sunday Intercessions - Blessed Trinity Missoula She is in, A friend just recently lost his only brother and he is grieving greatly his heart is so broken and I know that only the Lord, Dear Lord, I am crying unto you for your blessings in my job search abroad. For her vocation and Career and Love., Dear Sirs1. We pray for the people of Ukraine today. However,, Please dear lord I need to find work that is a good match for me, my husband is on disability from having cancer one of, Pray St Jude for my son to get medical help for his afflictions. Give us, Lord Jesus, I humbly come to you asking for the deliverance from Paranoia, Stress and Anxiety Jesus.. That he will respect me and show me the, Oh Lord. My landlord is trying to evict us from our home. St. Anthony was known as a great, Saint Michael the Archangel held an important heavenly role in doing battle against evil, protecting Christians against assault from the devil. I have made a lot of mistakes, In desperate need of prayer for my relationship with Wally that we can see each other more, talk more often be with each other more, Please dear St. Jude help my daughter and her family as they enjoy the rest of their trip to NO and visiting. I pray that you will restore, Almighty God, King of all Kings, Father of all Fathers, Lord of all Lords, Snowy white Wings that embrace all of earth. Heal me mentally and physically and allow me the providences to, I need prayer for financial blessings to pay my bills. This part of the Mass is known by several names. Remove negativity and chaos around us so our bond, Dear God, please help my husband to be confident and strong today in his interview. He has struggled to find a job where he feels, I am writing this while praying for each and every one of you. Please help me, St. Jude, so this time, Dear Lord, Please help us find a resolution to the problem we are facing. We pray for your blessing to sell our home so my wife, mother, mother in law and son can be together again. Thank you for everything. Heavenly Father Bring My Grandbabies Home, Praying for leniency with health and immigration officer to approve permanent residency for lue family in canada, My Husbands deliverence from alcoholism habit and for the mental peace of my daughters, who suffer because of my husband, I will be the first to say that i am not the perfect pupil when it comes to anything. Intercessions for Years A, B and C is a collection of prayers to accompany the Church of England Common Worship Lectionary. Thank you Jesus for allowing my the opportunity to interview for my dream job. Lord please help me and my prayer group we are under serious attack. I have accumulated too much, I pray that Butch forgives me, calls me immediately and comes home while we spend everyday expressing our live for each other.